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Drake's Cash Giveaway, Luis Vaton: The top 10 headlines in San Antonio this week

Drakes Cash Giveaway Luis Vaton The top 10 headlines in San Antonio this 
Plenty of folks also read a humorous story about Mexican businesses knocking off well-known Texas brands.

Plenty of folks also read a humorous story about Mexican businesses knocking off well-known Texas brands.

   Michael Karlis" class="uk-display-block uk-position-relative uk-visible-toggle"> click to enlarge The

Michael Karlis

The "Luis Vaton" pop-up art installation can be found at the intersections of West Lambert and South Flores streets.

Star power claimed the top two spots on the Current's most-read stories list this week.

First, rap superstar Drake drew attention for handing out $35,000 cash at his San Antonio concert to people whom he thought could use it — namely, a pregnant woman and another woman who'd recently been dumped.

Then, in the No. 2 position, plenty of folks read up on the pop-up a pair of San Antonio artists built to honor Spurs rookie Victor Wembanyama being named a brand ambassador for fashion line Louis Vuitton. Apparently, after a warning letter, the creators renamed the pop-up so it wouldn't infringe on the French company's brand. One also could argue that the No. 9 story of the week involves star power since it tells about Mexican business creating knock-off brands that pay homage to South Texas brands, including Whataburger — a San Antonio icon in its own right.

10. Pro-Palestine advocate looks to replace Manny Pelaez as San Antonio District 8 councilman

9. Knock-offs of San Antonio and Texas retail brands keep popping up in Mexico

8. City of San Antonio closes two busy downtown streets on Monday

7. Supreme Court hears case of San Antonio woman who alleges arrest was politically motivated

6. Texas is among the worst states for women financially relative to men

5. Judge rules San Antonio cop charged in Erik Cantu shooting will be tried in Bexar County

4. Pro-Palestine billboards pop-up along San Antonio highways

3. Assclown Alert: Doubling down on a racist conspiracy theory with U.S. Rep. Chip Roy

2. San Antonio Louis Vuitton pop-up gets makeover after trademark accusations

1. During San Antonio show, Drake gives away $35,000 to fans facing hard times

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